Letting and Bids

Independent Auditing Services RFP (Bid No. 2024-06)

Request for Proposal (RFP) packets may be obtained from the Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority’s (HCRMA) website from which a CivCAST link will be posted at www.hcrma.net. To be considered, each firm should submit their proposal in three (3) complete hardcopy sets and a PDF version on a flash/USB drive.

Proposals should be submitted to Mr. Pilar Rodriguez, P.E., Executive Director, Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority, 203 W. Newcombe Avenue, Pharr, TX 78577 in sealed envelopes clearly marked:

RFP – Independent Auditing Services - HCRMA – 2024-06

Any informational questions regarding this RFP may be directed to Pilar Rodriguez, Executive Director, in writing via CivCAST, no later than 4:00 PM, CST, August 16, 2024. Deadline to submit your proposal is August 23, 2024, at 4:00 PM, CST. Any RFPs received past this deadline will not be considered. Proposals will be evaluated on the firm’s technical ability, experience, and ability to perform the work.

The Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority , in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all respondents to the SOQ that it will affirmatively ensure that for any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit SOQs in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.

CIVCAST (available July 19,2024)

Construction Materials Testing (CMT) Services and Forensic Investigation and Evaluation of In-Place Construction Materials for the 365 Tollway Project (Bid No. 2024-05)

The HCRMA is soliciting Request for Statement of Qualifications for Construction Materials Testing

SOQ Information:
SOQ Notice
CIVCAST Information

Bid Awarded to: Atser, Alliance Geotechnical Group, Inc. and ECS Southwest, LLP

Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority Granjeno Wetland Mitigation Project (Re-Bid No. 2024-004)

The HCRMA Granjeno Wetland Mitigation Site project is for the restoration of 23.88 acres of land, including approximately 17 acres planned specifically for wetland restoration. Read more...

Bid Opening - Granjeno Wetland Mitigation Site Project
When: Wednesday, March 13, 2024, Until 3:00 PM CST
Where: HCRMA - 203 W. Newcombe Ave, Pharr, Texas 78577
Virtual Option: Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 266 336 329 287
Passcode: ACtinV
Or call in (audio only)
+1 402-513-9026 - United States, Omaha
(833) 255-2803 - United States (Toll-free)
Phone Conference ID: 925 708 309#
Notes: The HCRMA Granjeno Wetland Mitigation Project is setup for electronic bidding via CivCast Bid module which can be accessed on the top right "Bid" button on the project screen. Bids will be received until 3:00 PM C.S.T., Wednesday, March 13, 2024 and read aloud at 3:05PM.

Pertinent bid-related information
Available via CIVCAST for official bid documents.

Bid Awarded to: Mitres Services, LLC

Banking Depository Services RFP (Bid No. 2024-02)

Request for Proposal (RFP) packets may be obtained from the Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority’s (HCRMA) website from which a CivCAST link will be posted at www.hcrma.net. To be considered, each firm should submit their proposal in three (3) complete hardcopy sets and a PDF version on a flash/USB drive.

Proposals should be submitted to Mr. Pilar Rodriguez, P.E., Executive Director, Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority, 203 W. Newcombe Avenue, Pharr, TX 78577 in sealed envelopes clearly marked:


Any informational questions regarding this RFP may be directed to Maria Alaniz, Executive Assistant, in writing via CivCAST, no later than 4:00 PM, CST, February 23, 2024. Deadline to submit your proposal is March 1, 2024, at 4:00 PM, CST. Any RFPs received past this deadline will not be considered. Proposals will be evaluated on the firm’s technical ability, experience, and ability to perform the work.


Bid Awarded to: Plains Capital Bank

Granjeño Wetland Mitigation Site Project (Bid No. 2023-01)

The HCRMA is requesting sealed bids for the restoration of 23.88 acres of land, including approximately 17 acres planned specifically for wetland restoration. HCRMA will dedicate 12 of the 17 acres to compensate for impacts resulting from the 365 Toll project.

Pre-Bid Meeting - Granjeño Wetland Mitigation Site Project
When: Tuesday, November 21, 2023, 2 P.M. C.S.T. (MANDATORY) In-person or Virtual Attendance Option
Where: HCRMA - 203 W. Newcombe Ave, Pharr, Texas 78577
Description: A Pre-bid Meeting will be held for this project on Tuesday, November 21, 2023 at 2:00 P.M. C.S.T., at the Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority Offices. The Pre-bid Meeting is MANDATORY and prospective bidders must attend (in-person or virtually) to have their proposal opened. HCRMA Staff and General Engineering Consultant will review plans, specifications, details, materials and requirements of the work, and therefore Sub-contractors and materials suppliers who expect to be associated with the project are invited to attend.
Microsoft Teams Meeting
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 253 895 579 877
Passcode: 4UzBQZ

Bid Opening - Granjeño Wetland Mitigation Site Project
When: Wednesday, December 6, 2023, Until 3:00 P.M. C.S.T.
Where: HCRMA - 203 W. Newcombe Ave, Pharr, Texas 78577
Description: Electronic bids via CivCast will be received by the HCRMA, until 3:00 P.M. C.S.T., Wednesday, December 6, 2023.
Microsoft Teams Meeting
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 230 851 549 605
Passcode: 2JkCdB
Or call in (audio only)
+1 956-413-7950
Phone Conference ID: 463 088 619#

Pertinent bid-related information
Available via https://www.civcastusa.com for official bid documents
Bid Advertisement
Mitigation Plan
Wetland Site Map

Bid Awarded to: Not awarded

365 Tollway Project Toll Collection System Installation, Integration, and Maintenance (Bid No. 2022-002)

The Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority ("HCRMA" or "Authority") is seeking a qualified firm to complete final design, install, test, implement, operate, and maintain a Toll Collection System (TCS) to support the 365 Toll Project. The system will integrate with HCRMA's separately acquired Third-Party Back Office System (BOS).

Pre-Bid Meeting: The Pre bid Meeting is MANDATORY with In-person or Virtual Attendance Option
Date & Time: Monday, October 3, 2022, 10 A.M. C.S.T.
Location: HCRMA, 203 W. Newcombe Ave Pharr, Texas 78577

Bid Opening Details:
Date & Time: Friday, December 9, 2022, Until 3:00 P.M. C.S.T.
Location: 203 W. Newcombe Ave. Pharr, TX 78577
Notes: Electronic bids via CivCast must be received by the HCRMA, on December 9, 2022, at 3:00 P.M. C.S.T.

Pertinent bid-related information:
Available via https://www.civcastusa.com for official bid documents
Compliance Review

Bid Awarded to: SICE, Inc.

Lonestar Pipeline Relocation (U-0032-028) (Bid No.2022-001)

8" Lonestar Pipeline relocation maintenance mitigation project for HCRMA 365 Toll Project.

Bid Information:
CivCast posting
Bid Opening
Bid Summary

Bid Awarded to: Strike, LLC

365 Tollway Segments 1 and 2 (CSJ: 0921-02-368) (Bid No. 2021-001)

Highway, which consists of: grading, flexible base, lime treated subgrade, asphaltic concrete pavement, concrete pavement, signing and pavement markings, cross culverts, bridge structures, retaining walls, illumination, and toll equipment. All documents pertaining to this bid shall be obtained only at https://www.civcastusa.com listed as “365 Tollway Project (Segments 1 & 2) CSJ: 0921-02-368 (Bid No. 2021-001)” for is otherwise known as the 365 TOLL Project.

Pre-Bid Meeting: The Pre bid Meeting is MANDATORY and prospective bidders must attend (in-person or virtually) to have their proposal opened.
Date & Time: Tuesday, August 31, 2021 at 9:00 AM CST
Location: 700 Convention Center, Room 102-ABC, McAllen, Texas 78505

Bid Opening Details:
Date & Time: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at 3:00 PM CST
Location: 203 W Newcombe Ave, Pharr, Texas 78577
Notes: The 365 TOLL Project is setup for electronic bidding using the CivCAST Bid module which can be accessed on the top right "Bid" button on the project screen. Bids will be received until 3:00P and read aloud at 3:05P.

Pertinent bid-related information:
• Available via https://www.civcastusa.com for official bid documents

Project Addenda:
• Any addenda will be listed via https://www.civcastusa.com and plan holders will be automatically notified.

Bid Information:
Unofficial Bid Totals
Official Bid Tabs

Bid Awarded to: Pulice Construction, Inc.

Construction Materials Testing Lab Services (Bid No. 2020-01)

The HCRMA is soliciting Request for Statement of Qualifications for Construction Materials Testing Lab Services.

SOQ Information:
Request for Statement of Qualifications (SOQ)

Bid Awarded to: Atlas Technical Consultants, B2Z Engineering, LLC, L&G Consulting Engineers, Inc., RABA Kistner, Inc., Terracon Consultants, Inc.


The Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority is accepting competitive electronic bids on the following: Office Relocation & Remodel for HCRMA Office. A complete set of bid information shall be obtained only at https://www.civcastusa.com listed as “HCRMA OFFICE RELOCATION & REMODEL PHARR, TX (Bid No. 2018-002).”

Bid Information:
Unofficial Bid Tabs
• Official Bid Tabs (TBD)

Bid Awarded to: Golden Key Construction Services

365 Tollway Segments 1 and 2 (CSJ: 0921-02-368) (Bid No. 2017-002)

Highway), which consists of: grading, flexible base, lime treated subgrade, asphaltic concrete pavement, concrete pavement, signing and pavement markings, cross culverts, bridge structures, retaining walls, illumination and toll equipment. All documents pertaining to this bid shall be obtained only at https://www.civcastusa.com listed as “365 Tollway Project (Segments 1 & 2) CSJ: 0921-02-368.”

Bid Opening Details:
Date & Time: 11/10/2017 at 3:00 PM CST
Location: 118 S. Cage Blvd, 2nd Floor, Pharr, Texas 78577
Notes: The 365 TOLL Project is setup for electronic bidding using the CivCAST Bid module which can be accessed on the top right "Bid" button on the project screen. Bids will be received until 3:00P and read aloud at 3:05P.

Pertinent bid-related information:
• Available via https://www.civcastusa.com for official bid documents

Project Addenda:
• Any addenda will be listed via https://www.civcastusa.com and plan holders will be automatically notified.

Bid Information:
Unofficial Bid Tabs
Official Bid Tabs

Bid Awarded to: Awarded to Johnson Brothers
Contracted Terminated: 12/11/2018

IBTC Demolitions for Red River Subdivision (Bid No. 2017-003)

     •  Addendum #5
     •  Addendum #4
     •  Addendum #3
     •  Addendum #2
     •  Addendum #1
     •  Notice to Bidders
     •  Map and Bid Tab
     •  Asbestos Survey
     •  IBTC Red River Demos (KMZ file)

Bid Information:
Bidder’s Log
Bid Opening Sign-in Sheet
Apparent Low Bid Tabulation (Unofficial)

Bid Awarded to: Saenz Brothers Construction, LLC

City of Donna Valley View Road Lift Station Site Improvement Project (Bid No. 2017-001)

The Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority (HCRMA) is requesting sealed bids for the City of Donna Valley View Road Lift Station Site Improvement Project.

Pertinent bid-related information:
Advertisement to Bidders (revised by Addendum No. 1)
Bid Documents
Addendum No. 1
Addendum No. 2
Addendum No. 3

Bid Information:
Unofficial Bid Totals for Determining Apparent Low Bidder
Tabulation of Bids

Bid Awarded to: Jimenez Engineering Solutions, LLC. dba International Consulting Engineers

HCRMA Toll System Installation, Integration and Maintenance (365 Tollway, IBTC, etc.) (Bid No. 2016-001)

Toll System Integrators (TSIs) for the creation of a Toll Collection System (TCS). All documents pertaining to the Request for Proposals (RFP) shall be obtained only at www.civcastusa.com listed as “HCRMA Request for Proposals Toll System Installation, Integration and Maintenance”.

Pertinent bid-related information: (also available via www.civcastusa.com)
Advertisement to Bidders
Bid Documents
Calendar with Bid Milestones

Project Addenda: (also available via www.civcastusa.com)
Addendum #1
Addendum #2
Addendum #3

Bid Information: (also available via www.civcastusa.com)

Bid Awarded to: TBD

US 281 / BSIF Connector Project (Contract No. 0220-01-023, Etc.) (Bid No. 2015-001)

Bids were opened on September 30, 2015 at 3:05P at 118 S. Cage Blvd, 2nd Floor in Pharr, Texas. Bid Information will be added below as the information is developed and/or made official.

Pertinent bid-related information:
Amended Advertisement to Bidders (Per Addendum #1)
Bid Documents
Calendar with Bid Milestones

Project Addenda (also available via CivCast):
Addendum No. 1 (Issued August 20, 2015)
Addendum No. 2 (Issued September 14, 2015)
Addendum No. 3 (Issued September 18, 2015)
Addendum No. 4 (Issued September 24, 2015)

Bid Information:
Unofficial Bid Totals for Determining Apparent Low Bidder
Tabulation of Bids

Bid Awarded to: Foremost Paving

Our Purpose

The Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority was created to be a proactive partner empowering our community to address our congestion and mobility concerns through local means with local leadership.

Contact Us

203 W. Newcombe Ave
Pharr, Texas 78577 (Map)
Mon-Fri: 8:00am-12:00pm | 1:00pm-5:00pm

Phone: 956.402.4762
Fax: 956.468.2176

Construction Division
Phone: 956.402.4763
